September 08, 2020 2 min read
Perhaps you know you have lymph nodes and a whole lymphatic system in your body. But do you know what it does? This barely discussed network in your body is a crucial part of your immune system. Basically your body is reliant upon your lymphatic system to remove waste, like bacteria, viruses, toxins, and abnormal cells that can lead to cancer. And every step you take helps it do its job. That’s because the lymphatic system does not have an organ like the heart to pump fluid around your body. Lymph fluid relies on movement and the contraction of your muscles to make it flow.
Exercising helps this system flow more efficiently thus helping to prevent possible infections and diseases.
● Lie on your back with your arms alongside your body and your legs stretched out straight in front of you.
● Inhale, sliding your right leg along the floor and out to the side.
● Exhale while sliding the leg back to the center.
● Repeat on the left side.
● Perform at least five repetitions on each side.
Face puffiness, body swelling, skin problems, and cellulite are symptoms that may be the signs that the lymphatic system is not functioning properly. If it doesn’t work and the lymph circulates more slowly, toxins start to accumulate in the body, and the internal organs are affected by the unnecessary stress. Inactivity can significantly restrict lymph flow, and lead to a build-up of waste and toxins believed to play a role in inflammation and disease. So during this time of a virus pandemic, exercise is proving it may be an old fashioned vaccine.
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