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September 10, 2020 2 min read
Once upon a time if you had a pancake booty and were unhappy about it, you just had to live with it. Those days are gone.
Every time you open up Instagram, you probably see a post about some crazy booty transformation where a girl gave herself a bigger butt just by working out. Usually, this post will end with some trendy hashtag like #squatbooty.
Well now that the secret is out, why doesn’t everyone have that perfect “squat booty”? If you’ve been working on upgrading your booty but haven’t quite reached the level of bootylicious that you seek then check out these 5 reasons that could be holding you back:
Experts say bad form is probably the number 1 reason you aren’t seeing results. You can do squats until your legs fall off, but if you’re not maintaining proper form while you’re doing them, it’ll all before nothing. When it comes to toning up your backside, technique is everything—and once that goes out the window, so does all your hard work.
Dead butt syndrome usually is the result of too much sitting. Resulting in your glutes not activating to their full potential. The more you sit, the less you use your glute muscles, making it more difficult to activate them during a workout. Mind-muscle connection is important when targeting your glute muscles.
Your glutes are powerful, and they can handle much heavier weights than you probably realize. If you really want to sculpt those muscles into perfect peaches then simply doing bodyweight squats aren't going to get the job done. In reality, growth only happens when you push yourself beyond your comfort zone.
Results won’t come from one exercise alone. While there are a wide variety of squats to rotate fora routine, you will need to add some more glute-focused exercises like glute bridges, hip thrusts, fire hydrants, and kickbacks. Isolation exercises are highly recommended for better glutes.
Your genetics determine the blueprint of your physique so if you’re genetically gifted, then you may see amazing results with minimal effort. However, if you’re not naturally predisposed to have a bodacious behind, that’s not to say you can’t shape what your momma gave ya. It just may take more time and effort on your part. And just because you may not see the results you want doesn’t mean you’re not improving on your overall strength and health.
An amazing butt, in large part, is thanks to genetics. Still, that doesn't mean you can't work toward the best (and biggest)your own special butt can be.
And while how your backside looks in jeans might be your number one reason for doing more squats at the gym, it shouldn't be your only motivation. Stronger glute muscles can help reduce the risk of injury, boost your metabolism, and improve your athletic performances.
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