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January 11, 2021 2 min read
A healthy diet is crucial of you want to make lasting progress in your weight loss journey. This is why there’s a lot of diet plans out there that promise to keep the fat off. However, some if these can be too restricting.
One way to sustain your weight loss is by avoiding fad diets and instead being mindful of the quality of the food you eat instead of how much or when you eat. This style of nourishing your body with more whole foods instead of overly processed food that are packed with preservatives, excess sodium, and sugar.
Clean eating is not a diet but rather a style of eating that involved consuming healthy and nutrient-dense foods that are close to their natural state. It aims to fill your body with vitamins and minerals, high-quality protein, healthy fats, and whole carbs.
It’s not as restricting as other fad diets because it does not eliminate certain food groups nor does it limit you to a certain number of calories per day. Instead, it promotes making better food choices by sticking to whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and lean protein sources.
It does aim to limit your intake of added sugar and sodium typically found in hyper-palatable food. So you can eat dessert (yay!), you just have to learn how to scale it back and choose treats that are lighter on the sugar or free from added sugar entirely.
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