January 11, 2021 2 min read
A strong core isn’t only about beautifully-sculpted abs and obliques and a slim waist. When you regularly train your core muscles including those around your abs, pelvis, lower back, and hips, then you can improve your posture, reduce back pain and injuries, improve your balance, and of course build muscle around this area.
Needless to say, the best core workout targets every inch of your core. If you’re looking for the best exercises to strengthen not only your mid-section but also the surrounding muscles then you’ve come to the right place! Here are 5 easy-to-do exercises for a strong core.
This workout tones your shoulders, obliques, and your entire core. Start in a plank position, body in a straight line from head to toe, shoulders stacked directly over your wrists. In one sweeping motion, rotate your body to the right as you kick your left foot through. Open into a side-plank position, extending your right arm straight overhead. Return to plank position and repeat on the opposite side.
Do 15 reps, alternating sides.
This move targets your obliques and hips. Starting from boat pose, hold your dumbbell in both hands at chest level. With a long spine and core engaged, rotate the dumbbell across your body to the right, then to the left.
Do 15 seconds, alternating sides.
This exercise is best for toning your obliques and shoulders. Start in a side-plank position with your right forearm planted firmly on the ground and your left hand holding a dumbbell on the ground in front of you. For extra stability, you can stagger your legs, placing your top foot just in front of the bottom. Engaging your core and keeping the dumbbell as close to your body as possible, raise your left arm straight overhead. With control, lower the dumbbell back down and twist directly under your torso. Return back to starting position.
Do 15 reps on each side.
Target your lower abs with this move. Start by lying on your back with your legs extended perpendicular to the ground and your feet flexed. Holding a dumbbell in both hands, reach your arms toward your feet as you lift your shoulders off the ground. Return to the starting position.
Do 15 reps.
Tone your entire core with this simple exercise. Begin lying on your back with arms and legs extended out to the sides. In one sweeping motion, peel your shoulders and legs off the ground and hug your knees into your chest, engaging your core as you come up. Slowly lower back down.
Do 15 reps.
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