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July 27, 2020 3 min read
Making mistakes in the gym is not only reserved for beginners. Even athletes can encounter challenges within their regimens, and such mishaps can disrupt their training, recovery and muscle strength.
Skipping your warmup
Warming up increases your body temperature, loosens muscles, and gives your cardiovascular system time to adjust to increased demands. This reduces overall stress on your body, helps increase performance
Not having a workout plan
Having a workout plan will save you time and provide you with better results. If you don’t have a plan, you’re likely to waste time or take longer on your exercise routine than you need to. Most of all, people without plans will almost certainly underperform because they haven't committed to the goals that a plan has been created to meet.
Doing the same workouts every day
The human body is remarkably good at adapting. This amazing feat from your body may also frustrate you when your fitness goals start to plateau. Implement new exercise and workout regimes to keep your body challenged.
Over resting
It’s important to take a break between sets, but don’t let your body cool down too much. You want to keep your heart rate elevated, and that means limiting breaks to 30 seconds or less. (So no texting, emailing, or online shopping!)
Having strength but not flexibility or lifting too heavy
Stretching your muscles after a workout helps them repair faster, so you can build strength and get to your next workout faster
There’s a common misconception that you can achieve faster results by pushing yourself with heavier weights. This is not always the case. To prevent injuries, you want to lift the proper amount of weight. If you’re breaking form, you’re lifting too heavy. Start with a lower weight and increase it as you notice your body can handle more.
Not properly hydrating
Water makes up a large percentage of our bodies. Hydrating helps keep your joints lubricated and body temperature regulated. If you’re even slightly dehydrated, you can’t perform as well. Have a water bottle with you, and don’t wait until you feel thirsty to sip water.
Being inconsistent
There’s no doubt that you feel great after one killer workout, but unfortunately, that one workout won’t change your body or improve your health. Schedule your workouts like appointments, and make them atop priority in your calendar.
Improper form
Training with weights might look simple, but it's something you should spend time perfecting your technique on. If you're a novice in the gym or in the slightest doubt, don't be afraid to ask a personal trainer for form advice when using weights and machines Improper form increases the risk of injury
Not resting and recovering
Recovery days are just as important as intense strength workouts. After a hard workout, you need to give your body time to recover with the proper nutrition, hydration, and sleep.
Focusing on the scale
The scale is the worst way to measure progress. When it comes to weight loss, the scale can be a good measure of progress, particularly if you have a lot of weight to lose. But if you place too much emphasis on your weight and not enough on your body composition (the ratio of fat to lean muscle), you’re only getting half the story. Obsessing over the number on the scale is unproductive and can lead to unhealthy behaviors such as binging or starving yourself.
When you know you’re working out properly, you should look forward to challenging your body, but not straining or stressing yourself. Making progress with a well-organized workout plan doesn’t have to be complicated. Avoiding these common workout mistakes may help you reach your goals faster and avoid frustration and injuries along the way.
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